Rooks of Burgundy

Rooks of Burgundy
Rooks of Burgundy is historical fiction set 1016/1017 in the Duchy of Burgundy. Raban is a young serf farmer in a small fief. Spring is freshly come and the world beginning again, and so the story opens.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mexico Journal Entries

While rummaging through my closet the other day, I came across some pages torn from a notebook. I began to read and recognized that they were from a journal that the leaders had us keep on my very first mexico trip to Juarez. Most of the kids never even started the journal, and I was the only one to do more than one day. I usually hate journaling, but it was slightly relaxing at the time. The pages I found contained four days of entries, but I will post only the final two, complete with spelling and grammatical errors.


We mixed and poured concrete today, and then built the walls as it dried. Simon said he has never driven away from the worksite at 2:15 before. But we went so fast that there was nothing to do until the slab dried.


After cleaning the delicatly balanced

And that was it. Not another entry the entire trip. And I have no memory of what we were cleaning, nor what happened afterward. After cleaning the delicately balanced concrete slab? I hope not. That was pretty much just sitting on the ground if I recall. The delicately balanced walls? Um, no. Why would we clean the walls. And they better not be very delicate. There wasn't really anything else around, except the family's old house, which, granted, was delicately balanced, but I know for a fact we didn't clean it. I'm afraid I'll never know. And another thing. Why did I stop writing. I have an absolute blank. This will go down as one of history's great mysteries, along with The Mary Celeste and Jack the Ripper.

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